Sofie Birkin is a Brooklyn, NYC based queer British artist, living in a little house with a big dog. Established as one of the most sought after queer illustrators across North America and Europe, she creates powerful vignettes of LGBTQIA+ characters, which push back against historical conventions of femininity. Working as a professional illustrator and muralist for over a decade, her developed style of vibrant, dynamic compositions create complex cultural narratives that allow the viewer to imagine the subjects’ expansive lives. She likes estate sales, ambient lighting and ghost stories, and dislikes rain, and grey linoleum and talking about herself in the third person.
Clients Include: Adidas, Aldi, Apple, Badoo, Benefit Cosmetics, Billie Razors, Bloomsbury Publishing, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, The Body Shop, Bon Appetit, Carhartt, Centre Pompidou, Cosmopolitan, Dame, Faber & Faber, Facebook, Galaxy, Gay Times, Google, Hachette, HairStory, HuffPost, Insider, It’s Nice That, LA Times, Lovers Stores, Marie Claire, McDonalds, Meta, Mubi, Nike, New York Times, Outdoor Voices, Planned Parenthood, Playboy, Popsugar, Pushkin, Rejig, Rest, Royal Mail, Snapchat, Starbucks, Stylist Magazine, Thrillist, Topo Chico, the Trevor Project, United Nations, Vice, Vogue Eyewear.